Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 24 Rotarians and 1 guest
Visiting Rotarians: District 5170 Governor Jill Duerig
Visitors: Kyreen Sanchez, Interact Area 9 Director
The meeting was called to order by President Larry Barr at 12:00.
Larry Barr led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Alex Kingman gave the Thought for the Day.
Larry informed the club that the board of directors approved a sponsorship with the BenitoLink for one year to support a column on high school sports. The column will be noted as sponsored by the Rotary Club of Hollister and our club logo will appear on the side of the article and will link to our updated website. BenitoLink has also agreed to publish some articles about the activities of the Hollister Rotary Club. The goal of this sponsorship is to promote the club to the BenitoLink readership to attract ne w members to the club.
Rich Marcus ask the club for their donations to sponsor his Make A Wish Foundation Walk on August 10th. See Rich to sign up as a sponsor.
Larry informed the club that the club as agreed to sponsor a booth at the VFW Carnival on August 30th. The carnival is for special needs children and will be from 11 AM to 2 PM.
Larry reminded the club of the Stuff the Bus event on Saturday, August 3rd from 9 to 11 AM in the Target parking lot. We will need volunteers to help distribute hot dogs and water to the kids.
There will be a Ceremony of Life for Past Rotary International President Richard King to be held on February 2, 2025 at the Blackhawk Car Museum.
Larry told club about the Wheelchair Distribution in Mexico City on September 20-22, 2024. Six people have volunteered and others are welcome. See Larry if you would like to be included.
Raffle by Dave Baumgartner:
Raffle winners were Gordon Machado, drawing for $105, and Mike Sanchez drawing for $154. Both did not pick a winning card, but each received a bottle of wine.
The Detective this week was Bill Tiffany who asked members questions about the Olympics, the Giants, and astronomy.
Will Sutton and Doug Moore were asked to describe what the Giants did to the Colorado Rockies. The paid $ 5 to say that the Giants "swept" the Rockies in 4 games.
Dave Baumgartner was asked what planet was closest to the Moon this morning. The correct answer was Urianus. Larry Barr paid the $5 fine for Dave.
Jamey Stewart was asked what was celebrated in Hollister this weekend. Jamey gave the correct answer that it was the 150 year anniversary of San Benito County. She did not have to pay a fine.
Mike Sanchez was asked to name what counties gave up land to form San Benito County. Mike paid $5 but have the correct answer: Monterey, Fresno, and Merced.
Kyle Sharp was asked how the Olympics got the name. He paid $5 to learn it was Mt. Olympus.
Chang So was asked what city was the first Olympics held. The correct answer was Olympia. He paid $5.
Phil Fortino was asked what year the first Olympic Games were held. He paid $5 to learn it was 776 B.C.
Gregg La Forge was asked to name the Greek leader that started the first Olympics. It cost Gregg $5 to learn it was Hercules.
Shawn Herrera was asked to name the most competitive race at the early Olympics. He was fined $5 because he did not know it was the Stadium race of 150 to 200 yards.
Dave Baumgartner was given a "bonus question" to name an event in the first Olympics but not included in the current Olympics. The answer was chariot racing.
Ray Marcado was asked what year the modern Olympics games started. He paid $5 fine to learn it was 1896 in Athens.
Larry Shaw was fined $5 because he could give the name of the second city to host the modern Olympics. It was Paris.
Geri Menold was asked what the 5 rings of the Olympics symbol stand for. She paid a $5 fine to learn is represents the 5 continents.
Alex Kingman was asked to name newest sport to be included in the 2024 Olympics. She gave the correct answer, Break Dancing, and did not to pay a fine.
Jeff Modic as ask last question and that was to name an athlete from the Central Coast competing in the 2024 Olympics. He paid a $5 fine because he could not name Kelci Rollins from Santa Cruz competing in Volleyball.
Anniversaries in August
Dave and Liz Westrick, 14 years
Kyle and Hillary Sharp, 10 years
Birthdays in August
Larry Barr
Greg La Forge
Jeanna Arnold
Rotary Anniversaries in August
Dave Baumgardner, 29 years
Chuck Sarafini, 20 years
Tami Aviles, 8 years
Susan Slater, 5 years
Sam Slater, 5 years