Rotary Club of Hollister, CA
Weekly Bulletin

Volume 2 | Issue 11


Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

This is the bulletin for our meeting on Monday, April 15, 2024

Meeting Highlights:
Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 23 Rotarians and guests
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus. at 12:15. Phil Fortino led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Mike Sanchez gave the Thought for the Day.
Visiting Rotarians, Dr. David Reyes and Mike Fisher
Gene Hopp told the club that new member Rosie Segura was in the hospital. 
Larry Barr and Mike Sanchez were judges at the regional Rotary speech contest. Our delegate, Megan Current, came in 3rd place due to timing on her speech. The regional was won by a delegate from a San Jose Rotary club.
Larry Shaw said the next club golf outing will be Monday, May 6th at Ridgemark Golf Club. First tee time is 2 PM.
Rich Marcus reminded everyone about the joint social event with the Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, April 24th at 5:30 PM at Damm Vineyards.
Will Sutton told the club that Jim Pleyte had knee replacement surgery and is doing well.
Bryan Yamaoka asked for support for the Baler Golf Teams by playing in the golf tournament at Ridgemark on Friday, May 10th. You can sign up at the Ridgemark Golf Shop or see Bryan.
Raffle winners this week were Larry Barr, drawing for $70, and Gene Hopp, drawing for $102. Both did not pick a winning card but did receive a bottle of wine.
Kyle Sharpe was our detective this week. He decided to test the members knowledge of the Master's Golf Tournament since most watched the tournament over the weekend.  He raised $50 in fines from members who did not know the answers to his trivia questions on the tournament.  Great job Kyle.
This Week's Program
The program this week was presented by Rotarian Mike Fisher.  Mike is the Director of Culinary Studies at Hollister high school and was the founder and chef at Fisher's Restaurant.  He also has a catering business in Hollister. 
In his 6th year at teaching cooking at Hollister High School, Mike has over 160 students attending his classes.  It is one of the most popular courses at the school.
The mission of his teaching is to build professionalism and self-worth in his students by partnering with local businesses and teaching Work Based Learning.  WBL includes industry tours, local speakers, catering school visits, and internships. Some examples he told us were The Baler Barn at football games, catering for the United Way Gala, and Staff Holiday Party at the high school, and catering to other on campus events.
Mike also told us about his Transaction Partnership Program for special education students.  The program provides these students with an opportunity to show value and use failure as a learning tool. 
Mike took questions from the audience, and we learn more from this Q&A session as well.
Our next meeting is on Monday, April 22th at Paine's Restaurant. Lunch will be available at 11:45 AM prior to the start of the meeting. 
The program will be presented by Zeke Lopez from Bulldog Boxing.  Zeke will tell us about their new location on McCray Street and their plans for the upcoming boxing tournament.
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