Volume 2 | Issue 30


Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

This is the bulletin for our meeting on Monday, Sept. 30, 2024

Meeting Highlights:
Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 22 Rotarians, 0 Guests
The meeting was called to order at 12:10 PM by President Larry Barr.
Bob Tiffany led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Ron Culler gave the Thought for the Day.
Larry reminded the club that the Avenues of Service will be held on October 19th at the India Community Center, 525 Los Coches Street, Milpitas. Handouts with more details were on each table.
Raffle by Dave Baumgartner:
Jeff Modic had the winning ticket for the Small Deck and the pot was worth $65. Jeff did not pull a winning card but received a bottle of wine.
Larry Barr had the winning ticket for the Large Deck worth $90.  He did not pick a winning card but also received a bottle of wine.
Mike Sanchez was the detective for the day and the topic was baseball minor league teams.  He said he had two goals: 1) to provide useless information and 2) to help others with that information.
Mike asked Geri Menold to select the name of the Binghamton NY AA minor league team.  It was the Rumble Ponies and are a part to the Mets farm system.  $5 fine.
Shawn Herrara was asked to select the name of the Hartford Connecticut AA team from a list. He selected the wrong name.  The correct answer was the Yard Goats. $5 fine.
Marchel Nelson was asked to select the name of the Rocket City Alabama AA team for the Los Angeles Angels.  He did not select the Trash Pandas and paid $5.
Kyle Sharp was asked to pick the name of the Amerillo, Texas AA farm team for the Detroit Tigers. The correct answer was the Sod Poodles. Kyle paid the $5 fine.
Bob Tiffany was asked to name the Cleveland Guardians AA farm team in Akron Ohio. He did not pick the Rubber Ducks and paid $5.
Jayme Stewart was given a list of names for the AA minor league team in Montgomery, Alabama.  She paid $5 to learn the correct answer, the Montgomery Biscuits.
Bill Baker was asked the name of the Columbia, South Carolina AA team. He guessed the Fireflies and was correct but paid the $5 fine anyway.
Harvey Blodgett paid the $5 fine to get the correct answer for the name of the AA team in Jacksonville, Florida.  The Jumbo Shrimp.
Finally, Robbie Thedford correctly guessed the name of the El Paso Texas AA team, the Chihuahuas.
Mike achieved his two objectives, and we all had fun learning useless information.  Great job Mike!
This Week's Program
This week's program was a report and presentation by Larry Barr on the Rotary wheelchair distribution in Mexico City on Saturday, September 21st.  Three members of our club were present, Jeff Modic, Doug Moore and Larry Barr along with Larry and Doug wife and Jeff's son. There were 24 Rotarians from District 5170 in total. 
Rotary purchased 250 wheelchairs for the distribution in Mexico City, and 150 were distributed on that Saturday to the person and their families.  The others were to be distributed to other locations outside of Mexico City by their local Rotary club. The distribution site was an auditorium in the Basilica of Guadalupe. the cardinal also attended and blessed welcomed everyone and blessed the occasion.  
Larry reported that in addition to the wheelchair they also presented son of the recipients with a Mission 10 tee shirt and medal.  He said these were very special gifts that the kids were excited to receive.
Both Jeff and Doug also told the club that this was an experience they will never forget and urged other Rotarians participate in one of these trips in the future.
Our next meeting is on Monday, October 7th at Paine's Restaurant.  The meeting will start at 12 Noon and lunch will be available at 11:45 AM.
The program for this meeting will be a presentation by Ron Culler on his recent trip to Mongolia. Ron will have a slide presentation to show us his experiences in Mongolia and the people he and Roni met.  This will be a good opportunity to learn about Mongolia and to hear about Ron's first-hand experience in the country.
Here is a link to the Hollister Rotary events calendar:
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