Rotary Club of Hollister, CA
Weekly Bulletin

Volume 2 | Issue 19


Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

This is the bulletin for our meeting on Monday, June 24, 2024

Meeting Highlights:
Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 22 Rotarians and 3 guests
Visiting Rotarians:  None 
Guests: Emily Drost, Gracie Skow, Violet La Fournaise
The meeting was called to order by President Elect Larry Barr at 12:00 Noon.
Mike Sanchez led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Doug Moore gave the Thought for the Day.
Larry Barr reminded the club that we will not meet on Monday, July 1st due to the Fourth of July Holiday on Thursday. 
Larry Shaw reminded everyone of the golf outing planned for Monday, July 8th at Ridgemark.  First tee time is 2 PM.
Bryan Yamaoka asked for more volunteers to assist with beer sales at the Rodeo for Friday night, Saturday and Sunday.  Assignments of members working at the Rodeo were available at the meeting. 
Raffle by Dave Baumgartner:
Raffle "pot builders" were Mike Sanchez, drawing for $89, and Bryan Yamaoka drawing for $129. Both did not pick a winning card and were pot builders.
Esther Curtice was our detective this week.  She asked questions about the Fourth of July national holiday.
Will Sutton was asked what was the city that celebrated the first Fourth of July.  Will had the correct answer, Philadelphia, but paid the $5 fine anyway.
Robbie Thedford was asked "When was the first fourth of July celebrated in the White House".  He paid $5 to learn it was July 4, 1801.
Doug Moore was asked "Who was the president in the White House in 1801".  He paid a $5 fine to learn it was Thomas Jefferson.
Shawn Herrera was asked "How many rings of the Liberty Bell were made".  Shawn paid $5 to learn it was 13, one for each state.
Greg La Forge was asked "Was the first state to make Fourth of July a holiday".  He paid $5 for the answer, Massachusetts. 
Jim Pleyte was asked "When was July 4th declared a national holiday".  He paid $5 to learn it was 1870.
Alex Kingman was asked "What president died on July 4th".  She paid a $5 fine to learn there were three, Tomas Jefferson, John Adams, and James Monroe.
Jeff Modic was asked what president was born on July 4th.  He paid $5 for the answer, Calvin Coolidge.
Dave Westrick paid $5 to learn the answer about how much money is spent of fireworks for the Fourth of July.  The answer $2.3 Billion.
Thanks, Esther for helping us learn more about July 4th!
This Week's Program
Dave Westrick introduced our guests, Emily Drost the 2024 Miss San Benito County, Gracie Skow the 2023 Miss San Benito County, and Violet La Fournaise the 2024 Runner Up for Miss San Benito County.  The young ladies told us about the San Benito County Saddle Horse Show & Rodeo at Bolado Park from Friday evening June 29th to Sunday, July 30th.
Dave, who is president of the board of directors of the San Benito Saddle Horse Show & Rodeo Association, told us about the improvements the association has made to Bolado Park, the concession booths, the sound system, paint job, and grandstand improvements. 
Dave also urged members to get tickets for the BBQ dinner on Saturday night.  
Our next meeting is on Monday, July 8th at Paine's Restaurant.  The meeting will start at 12 Noon and lunch will be available at 11:45 AM. 
Our program will be presented by a representative of the American Red Cross.  We will discuss how the Hollister Rotary be able to partner with the Red Cross.  
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