Volume 2 | Issue 34


Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's Bulletin!

This is the bulletin for our meeting on Monday, November 4, 2024

Meeting Highlights:
Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 34 Members, 1 Potential New Member, Bob Rogers. No guests.
The meeting was called to order at 12:05 PM by President Larry Barr.
Phil Fortino led the club in the Pledge of allegiance. 
Greg La Forge gave the Thought of the Day.
Larry informed the club that the board nominated Bryan Yamaoka for Philanthropist of the Year from our club to help celebrate National Philanthropy Day on November 14th. Larry asked Bryon to order a plague for himself.  Bryan asked how many should he order for the club?
There will be a Celebration of Life for Past Rotary International President, Richard King, on February 2, 2025 at the Blackhawk Car Museum.  Tickets for the event are $150 each and are tax deductible.
Larry announced that Bill Baker will be attending the President Elect Training conference on May 7-9, 2025, in preparation for becoming the club president in 2025-2026.  Bill thanked the club for their support and said he looked forward to serving the club as president next year.
Raffle by Dave Baumgartner
The small deck jackpot was worth $30, and Harvey Blodget had the winning ticket. He did not pick a winning card but received a bottle of wine.
The large deck jackpot was worth $90, and Harvey Blodget also had the winning ticket.  He did not pick a winning card for the second time and received another bottle of wine that he donated back to the club.
Jayme Stewart had the detective duties for this week.  Jayme fined members for their answers to her questions about the celebration of the Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) in Mexico and other countries.
Along with a $5 fine each member who was asked a question received a candy treat from Will's leftover candies from Halloween. 
Also, Larry Shaw was fined again for selecting the winning card last week and received $111.
And, Phil Fortino paid a $5 fine to announce that he had his first Hole in One in golf last week. Congratulations Phil!
Thanks to Jayme, for helping us learn about the Day of the Dead and getting Larry Shaw again for winning $111. 
Birthdays in November:
Bill Baker, Nov. 14
Dara Tobias, Nov. 15
Ron Culler, Nov. 27
Don Ridenhour, Nov. 29
Anniversaries in November:
Larry and Diane Barr, 45 years
Don and Patti Ridenhour, 35 years
Craig and Kristina Wyatt, 22 years
Rotary Membership Anniversary in November:
Dan Weatherly, 51 years
Phil Fortino, 37 years
Mike Sanchez, 21 years
Dave Westrick, 12 years
Eric Taylor, 6 years
Shawn Herrera, 3 years
This Week's Program
Phil Fortino was in charge of today's program and he decided to implement a program Gerald McCullough use to conduct prior to election day and appointed fellow Rotarians to present one side of the propositions and measures on the ballot.
Phil asked members to support the YES argument, and another member assigned to support the NO argument.  There were 14 total propositions and measures.  Here are the assignments:
Proposition 2    YES) Eric Taylor                   NO) Eric Taylor
Proposition 3    YES) Bill Sachau                  NO) Anne Hall
Proposition 4    YES) Christeen Breen          NO) Will Sutton
Proposition 5    YES) Jayme Stewart             NO) Doug Moore 
Proposition 6    YES) Eric Taylor                    NO) Eric Taylor
Proposition 32 YES) Kristina Wyatt               NO) Chang So
Proposition 33 YES) Larry Shaw                    NO) Bob Tiffany
Proposition 34 YES) Geri Menold                   NO) Harvey Blodget
Proposition 35 YES) Marchel Nelson             NO) Gene Hopp
Proposition 36 YES) Greg LaForge                NO) Greg  LaForge
Measure A       YES) Bob Tiffany                     NO) Bob Tiffany
Measure B       YES) Kristina Wyatt                NO) Tami Aviles
Measures L&M YES) Rich Marcus                  NO) Rich Marcus
Measure X         YES) Jim Pleyte                     NO) Kyle Sharp
It was a fun and informative program.  Thanks Phil, for being back a good idea for a program before election day.
Our next meeting will be on Monday, November 18th at Paine's Restaurant. 
The program for the November 18th meeting will be Rich Moorer, the Supervisory Park Ranger for the Pinnacles National Park.  Rich will give us an overview and the current status of the park.  He welcomes your questions about the park.
Let have a big turnout on November 18th for this program!
Here is a link to the Hollister Rotary events calendar:
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