Volume 2 | Issue 40


Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

This is the bulletin for our meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024

Meeting Highlights:
Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 25 Rotarians, 4 Guests Pam Moore, Steve Harris, and Chris Forster, Assistant Governor for Rotary District 5170 and a member of the Gilroy Rotary Club.
The meeting was called to order at 12:10 PM by President Larry Barr.
Jayme Stewart led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Geri Menold gave the Thought for the Day.
Past President, Rich Marcus, urged club member to support the Salvation Army gift giving drive.
President Larry Barr reminded the club of the Christmas Party to be held on Friday, December 20th at Damm Vineyard from 6:30 to9:30 PM. 
 The cost will be $20 per person and will include tri tip sandwiches from Dunnevelle, potato salad and beer ticket.  Wine will also be available.  More details see below.
Robbie Thedford told club about his experience with the Spartan Race program and how much it has improved his health and life. 
President Larry reminded the club of the District 5170 Conference to be held May 31, 2025 at San Jose State.
Jayme Stewart reminded the club about signing up for Mission 10 responsibilities. Mission 10 will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2025.
Larry Barr announced that Mike Sanchez has accepted the position of Assistant District Governor for 2026-2027 and will be responsible for the 7 Rotary Clubs in Area 8 that includes Hollister Rotary.
Raffle by Dave Baumgartner:
Esther Curtice had the winning ticket for the Small Deck and the pot was worth $62. She did not pull a winning card but received a bottle of wine.
Bill Baker had the winning ticket for the Large Deck worth $98.  He did not pick a winning card but also received a bottle of wine.
Greg La Forge was the detective for this meeting and decide to ask trivia questions about Pearl Harbor.  Each member paid a $5 fine to take a question.
Robbie Thedford was asked how many battleships were in Pearl Harbor when the attack to place?  Correct answer: 8
Kyle Sharp was asked where did the attack originate? Correct answer: Japanese aircraft carriers
Mike Sanchez was asked the date and time of the attack.  Correct answer: Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941 at 7:45 AM.
Bill Baker was asked how many ships were sunk? Correct answer: 6
Phil Fortino was asked what Tora, Tora, Tora meant? Correct answer: imminent attack
Chang So was asked how many lives were lost during the attack?  Correct answer: 2300
Alex Kingman was asked how many survivors are still alive? Correct answer: 16
Thanks Greg, for keeping the memory of Pearl Harbor fresh in our minds.
Below are details on the Christmas Party:
This Week's Program
The program for this meeting was a presentation by Steve Harris, representing the Youth Alliance program Guitars Not Guns.  Steve is a director of Guitars Not Guns for San Benito County Chapter.
Steve told us the program is designed to help young people from 8 to 18 years old to learn to play the guitar or ukulele. There are two levels in the program. Level 1 is for 10 weeks and includes guitar/ukulele lessons, a guitar or ukelele they can keep, a tuner, a case and strap.  There are 10 kids selected for each session, and they work with 8 instructors.  The program is available from September to the Spring. This program is offered by Youth Alliance of San Benito County.
After students finish Level 1, they can participate in Level 2 classes that includes more instruction, music materials and a graduation certificate. Last year 102 kids completed the program and the demand for more programs is increasing.
Steve thanked the Hollister Rotary Club for being a sponsor for both Level 1 and Level 2 of the Guitars Not Guns program.  He also recognized Doug Moore and Shawn Herrara for their active participation in the program as instructors. 
Steve took questions about the program for the audience and offered to come back at another time with some kids to perform for us.
Our next meeting is on Monday, December 16th at Paine's Restaurant.  The meeting will start at 12 Noon and lunch will be available at 11:45 AM.
The program for this meeting will be Hollister mayor-elect Roxanne Stephens.  Roxanne will be discussing her plans as the new Mayor of Hollister and will be open to discussing her plans and getting input from our club members.
Here is a link to the Hollister Rotary events calendar:
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