Volume 2 | Issue 25


Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

This is the bulletin for our meeting on Monday, August 19, 2024

Meeting Highlights:
Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
The meeting was called to order by President Larry Barr at 12:00.
Bruce Beetz led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Doug Moore and Larry Shaw gave the Thought for the Day.
Larry told the club that one goal for this year is to get our club's website current again after a long hiatus.  Bill Baker is working on this along with his assistant, Michaela, who is our new webmaster.  She is updating our club website on Club Runner.  Any ideas for the site should be discussed with Bill or Larry.  In the near future we will review the website at a club meeting.
Larry reminded the club about the 103rd Annual Awards and Dinner Dance by the Chamber at Leal's on Saturday, September 14th.  Tickets are $125 per person.  Our Club will be recognized as the Nonprofit of the Year. Be sure to get your tickets soon.
Larry informed the club that the club as agreed to sponsor a booth at the VFW Carnival on August 30th. The carnival is for special needs children and will be from 11 AM to 2 PM.  Volunteers are needed to assist.
There will be a Ceremony of Life for Past Rotary International President Richard King to be held on February 2, 2025 at the Blackhawk Car Museum.
Larry told club about the Wheelchair Distribution in Mexico City on September 20-22, 2024.  Six people have volunteered, and others are welcome.  See Larry if you would like to be included.
Larry informed the club that the district is putting on another year of the Rotary Leadership Academy. Past District Governor (2018-2019) Tim Lundell will be the Dean again this year. See the District website for more information.
We still have cases of soft drinks left over from the Saddle Horse Show and Rodeo.  They are available for purchase at $20 per case of 20-ounce bottles of Coke, Sprite, and Root Beer.
Raffle by Dave Baumgartner:
Alex Kingman had the ticket for the Small Deck and the pot was worth $66.  Alex did not pick the winning card but won a bottle of wine that she then gave away.
Esther Curtice had the ticket for the Large Deck worth $129.  Esther was a WINNER!
Larry Barr was the detective for this meeting.  He asked members about their knowledge about the Pebble Beach Concours d' Elegance held last week.
Shawn Herrera was asked what anniversary the year was for this year? Shawn's answer of 100th was incorrect. He paid a $5 fine to learn it was the 73rd year.
Larry Shaw paid $5 fine because he did not know where Ferrari First Street was located. It is the first fairway of Pebble Beach Golf Course.
Kyle Sharp was asked what car won the Best in Show yesterday? Kyle said it was an Italian car with the help of Will Sutton. It was a 1934 Type 59 Bugatti Sports: $5.00 fine.
Marchel Nelson was asked how much money was raised for the Concours D ’elegance? Marchel said that he should know because his daughter works at the event. The concours raised $3-million and the total event raised $41 million; Marchel paid $5.00.
Ray Mariontini was asked how many cars were at the Concours D ’elegance this year? He did not know so he said many cars were there. However, there were 214 cars at the Pebble Beach Concours: $5.00 fine for Ray.
Gene Hopp was asked how many countries were represented at the event?  Gene did not know. There were 16 countries. Gene was then asked how many states were represented since he did not know how many countries and he did not know this either. There were 29 states; Gene paid a $5.00 fine.
David Baumgartner was asked where were all these cars displayed? They were pulled onto the competition field otherwise known as the Finishing Hole or the 18th Fairway; $5.00 fine
Where is the Best in Show Car from? The car named Best of Show was a 1934 Bugatti Type 59 Sports presented by Fritz Burkard of The Pearl Collection in Zug, Switzerland. Gene Hopp did not know this either.
David Baumgartner was given another chance and was asked where were all the Concept Cars parked? There were also Lamborghini’s and Audi’s as well as others on the Concept Lawn in addition to the Concept Cars. It was located on the practice putting green between the lodge entrance and the shopping plaza. David did not know: $5.00 fine.
Esther Curtice was fined $5 for winning the $129.00 large pot!
When Larry was finished the club knew a lot more about the Concours d' Elegance.
Anniversaries in August
Dave and Liz Westrick, 14 years
Kyle and Hillary Sharp, 10 years
Birthdays in August
Larry Barr
Greg La Forge
Jeanna Arnold
Rotary Anniversaries in August
Dave Baumgardner, 29 years
Chuck Sarafini, 20 years
Tami Aviles, 8 years
Susan Slater, 5 years
Sam Slater, 5 years
This Week's Program
Andrew Shelton and Pricilla Turner were our speakers for today's program.  They are both from Shelton Insurance Company.
Andrew is a native of Hollister and he has been the Past President of the Rotary Club of San Juan Bautista. He is the current CFO of Shelton Insurance, one of the Top 5 in California.
They talked about the Inflation Reduction Act and the changes we can expect in Medicare this year and the open enrollment for this year’s coverage.
Our next meeting is on Monday, August 26th at Paine's Restaurant.  The meeting will start at 12 Noon and lunch will be available at 11:45 AM.
Zeke Lopez from Bull Dog Boxing will be our guest speaker.  Zeke will be talking about upcoming events for Bull Dog Boxing and his plans for the expansion of the club.  He will also have a couple of his prize fighters talk about how Bull Dog Boxing has been a learning experience for them.
Please note that we will not have a meeting on Monday, September 2nd due to the Labor Day holiday.  
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