Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 26 Rotarians
The meeting was called to order by President Larry Barr at 12:00.
Doug Moore led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Sanchez gave the Thought for the Day.
Larry reminded the club about the 103rd Annual Awards and Dinner Dance by the Chamber at Leal's on Saturday, September 14th. Tickets are $125 per person. Our Club will be recognized as the Nonprofit of the Year. Be sure to get your tickets soon.
Larry informed the club that the club as agreed to sponsor a booth at the VFW Carnival on August 30th. The carnival is for special needs children and will be from 11 AM to 2 PM. Volunteers are needed to assist.
There will be a Ceremony of Life for Past Rotary International President Richard King to be held on February 2, 2025 at the Blackhawk Car Museum.
Larry told club about the Wheelchair Distribution in Mexico City on September 20-22, 2024. Six people have volunteered, and others are welcome. See Larry if you would like to be included.
Larry informed the club that the district is putting on another year of the Rotary Leadership Academy. Past District Governor (2018-2019) Tim Lundell will be the Dean again this year. See the District website for more information.
We have 24 cases of soft drinks left over from the Saddle Horse Show and Rodeo. They are available for purchase at $20 per case of 20-ounce bottles of Coke, Sprite, and Root Beer.
Raffle by Dave Baumgartner:
Shawn Herrera had the ticket for the Small Deck and the pot was worth $121. He did not pick the winning card but won a bottle of wine.
Bruce Beetz had the ticket for the Large Deck worth $177. Bruce drew the Joker and was a WINNER!
New member, Alex Kingman, had the Detective duty for the first time. She decided to do Happy Dollars. She called on members to pay $5 to tell why they were happy today.
Bruce Beetz paid $5 because he just won $177 in the raffle.
Harvey Blodget paid $5 because he was leaving for a two-week vacation in Alaska.
Phil Fortino paid $5 because Heritage Bank was recognized as one of the 50 Best Performing Community Banks in the US.
Mike Sanchez paid $5 because he was happy when he saw the pictures in the Bulletin of the Rotarians that were helping at the Stuff the Bus last week.
Doug Moore paid $5 because he was happy the Diamondbacks were only two games from the Dodgers.
Chang So paid $5 because he was happy to place in the Triathlon this weekend and qualify for the national race.
Alex did an excellent job for her first time as detective.
Anniversaries in August
Dave and Liz Westrick, 14 years
Kyle and Hillary Sharp, 10 years
Birthdays in August
Larry Barr
Greg La Forge
Jeanna Arnold
Rotary Anniversaries in August
Dave Baumgardner, 29 years
Chuck Sarafini, 20 years
Tami Aviles, 8 years
Susan Slater, 5 years
Sam Slater, 5 years