The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus at 12:15 PM. There were 25 people in attendance.
Bruce Beetz led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Sanchez gave the Thought for the Day.
Visiting Rotarians:
Kathleen Rose from the Gilroy Rotary Club.
Guest of Rotarians:
Stacie McGrady was introduced as a guest of Rich Marcus. Stacy is a candidate for County Supervisor, District 1.
Rich Marcus recognized Chang So for his 12th place finish in the Half Marathon race at Mission 10. He also finished first as a Hollister Rotary Club member.
Bill Tiffaney and Bryan Yamaoka both thanked everyone for the "Team Effort" in making Mission 10 another success. Bill reported we had around 1050 participants for Mission 10 races on Saturday.
The raffle ticket for the small pot was held by Mike Sanchez. He picked an Ace and won $25.
The raffle ticket for the $78 pot was held by Ray Mariottini. He did not pick a wining card.
Dave Baumgartner was the detective for this meeting. Dave asked members questions about the 49er and Lions football game on Sunday, Dave had trivia questions about some of the players and the game. He was able to raise $50 in fines and gave us a lot of laughs as well.