The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus at 12:15 PM. There were 24 members in attendance.
Bill Baker led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Sanchez gave the Thought for the Day.
Esther Curtice introduced new member, Rosy Segura, Executive Director of CASA in Hollister.
Christine Breen introduced her guest, her son James Breen.
Larry Barr presented a scholarship to James Breen who is now in his first year at Cal. James accepted his scholarship award and thanked the club for its support towards his education.
Bil Tiffany gave a report on Mission 10. Bill reported that payments from sponsors were behind schedule and the deadline for sponsorships is close because the shirts need to be ordered with whe sponsors names on she shirts. We need all "hands on deck" the day of the race. Signup sheets were available for members to sign up for their preferred jobs on race day, Saturday, January 27th. Bill said a meeting of the committee is set for January 18th at Bryan Yamaoka's cabana.
The raffle ticket for the small pot was held by Gordon Machado but he did not pick a winner. The raffle ticket for the larger pot was held by Christne Breen and she did not pick a winner. Both received a bottle of wine for holding the raffle tickets selected by James Breen.
There was no detective available for the meeting due to a late emergency for Sheriff Eric Taylor who was to be the detective and program. President Rich called on several members about recent activities and each were fined $5.