Rotary Club of Hollister, CA
Weekly Bulletin

Volume 2 | Issue 13


Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

This is the bulletin for our meeting on Monday, May 6, 2024

Meeting Highlights:
Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 26 Rotarians and guests
Visiting Rotarians:  None
Visitors: None
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus. at 12:15. Brian Yamaoka led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Esther Curtice gave the Thought for the Day.
Rich reminded everyone about the CASA of San Benito County event on May 18th from 3-6 PM at Swank Farms. Tickets can be purchased at $70 per person.
Larry Shaw reported that the golf outing was set for today at Ridgemark Country Club. First tee time is 2 PM.
Raffle by Dave Baumgartner:
Raffle winners were Harvey Blodgett, drawing for $75, and Marchel Nelson drawing for $111. Both did not pick a winning card.
Mike Sanchez was the detective this week.  Mike asked members questions about Cinco de Mayo.
Starting with the Red Badge members, Mike asked Doug Moore what country has the largest celebration of Cinco de Mayo. Doug was fined $5 for not knowing the United States.
Alex Kingman was fined $5 for not knowing that Mexico celebrates Mexico Independence on September 16th not May 5th.
Robbie Thedford received a $5 fine for not knowing the date of May 5th was the Battle of Puebla when Mexico defeated the French on May 5, 1862.
Law Shaw was fined for $5 for answering correctly that Los Angeles has the largest Cinco de Mayo celebration in the US.
Jayme Stewart paid $5 for not knowing the day Mexico celebrates its independence, Sept. 16th.
Gene Hopp did not know that Mexico celebrates Cinco de Mayo with military parades and was fined $5.
Rich Marcus was asked how many pounds of Avocados are consumed on in the US on Cinco de May. The correct answer is 81million pounds.
Bruce Beetz was fined $5 for not knowing the answer to how much beer is sold on Cinco de Mayo.  The correct answer, $658 million .
Finally, Mike fined Bill Baker for his work on getting the bulletin out each week but Mike paid the $5 fine.  Thanks Mike!
This Week's Program
Our program for this meeting was a talk by our own Bob Tiffany on the California Transportation Commission (CTC).  Bob was recently nominated by the Speaker of the California Assembly, Robert Rivas, for a 4 year term.  There are 13 people on the CTC and 11 are voting members and they have a staff of 40 people in Sacramento. The CTC is responsible for programming and allocating funds for the construction of highway, passenger rail, transit and active transportation improvements throughout California. The Commission also advises and assists the Secretary of the California State Transportation Agency and the Legislature in formulating and evaluating state policies and plans for California’s transportation programs. 
The CTC meets throughout the state and the schedule is on the CTC website. Funding for their programs come from the California taxes and the largest is the SB 1 the gas tax that provides over $20 billion dollars for road repairs.  These funds are allocated to state highways and roads, and some to counties for local roads.  Priorities are fixing roads, reducing congestion, safety, trade corridors, environmental, and CEQA.  
Bob told us that $625 million has been allocated for Highway 25 and construction will begin in in 2025 on the on ramp for Highway 101.  Plans are being reviewed by the San Benito Council of Governments, and the VMT (vehicle miles traveled) and partial funding from Measure G.
Bob answered questions from members on CTC commissioner's payment for meetings and travel, and how the meetings are held, e.g. in person and virtual.
It was a very informative presentation from Bob and help us the understand more about the CTC and its programs and funding.
Our next meeting is on Monday, May 13th at Paine's Restaurant. Lunch will be available at 11:45 AM prior to the start of the meeting. 
Our program this week will be a presentation from Leslie David, the Executive Director of BenitoLink.  She will tell us about the growth of the BenitoLink digital newspaper, their operations and staff.  
This will be a very informative program.  Bring a guest!
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