Volume 2 | Issue 22


Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

This is the bulletin for our meeting on Monday, July 22, 2024

Meeting Highlights:
Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 25 Rotarians and 4 guests
Visiting Rotarians:  Tami Aviles, Rotary Club of China Town, Serafin Fernandez, Rotary Club of Gilroy
Visitors: Diane Barr, Dr. Pedro Avila
The meeting was called to order by President Larry Barr at 12:00.
Jeff Modic led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. 
Jim Pleyte gave the Thought for the Day.
Larry Barr asked Rich Marcus to come forward.  Larry thanked Rich for his effort last year as club president and this was recognized when the Chamber of Commerce recognized the Hollister Rotary Club as the Philanthropic Club of the Year.  The club will receive the award at the award dinner on Sept. 14th.  Our club has reserved a table at the dinner.
Larry asked Mike Sanchez and Rich Marcus to come forward to conduct the indoctrination of Tami Aviles as a member of the Hollister Rotary Club.  Tami as award a plaque with the 4 Way Test and her Red Badge. 
Larry informed the club that the club as agreed to sponsor a booth at the VFW Carnival on August 30th. The carnival is for special needs children and will be from 11 AM to 2 PM.  More details to follow.
Larry reminded the club of the Stuff the Bus event on Saturday, August 3rd from 9 to 11 AM in the Target parking lot.  We will need volunteers to help distribute hot dogs and water to the kids. 
Larry also reminded the club that the new District 5170 Governor, Jill Duerig, will be visiting our club on July 29th.  He asked for a good turn out to meet Jill and learn about her program for the district this year.
There will be a Ceremony of Life for Past Rotary International President Richard King to be held on February 2, 2025 at the Blackhawk Car Museum.
Larry told club about the Wheelchair Distribution in Mexico City on September 20-22, 2024.  Six people have volunteered to go and others are welcome.  See Larry if you would like to be included.
Raffle by Dave Baumgartner:
Raffle winners were Marchel Nelson, drawing for $97, and Gordon Machado drawing for $143. Both did not pick a winning card, but each received a bottle of wine.
The Detective this week was Shawn Herrera who asked members questions about his favorite topic, CARS.
Dave Baumgartner was asked to name the first car ever made and who made it. Dave paid a $5 fine to learn it was Carl Benz in 1885.
Rich Marcus was asked to name the most popular car ever made (most sold). He was fined $5 for not knowing it is the Toyota Corolla. Over 50 million sold since 1966.
Jayme Stewart was asked what is the most popular color for cars?  The correct answer is white. Jayme paid $5.
Bruce Beetz was asked to name the most popular truck ever made.  He correctly answered the Ford 150. Shawn paid the fine. Over 40 million sold.
Larry Shaw was asked what is the fastest production car ever made? He was fined $5 for not knowing it is the Koenigsegg Agera RS with a top speed of 277 mph.
Gregg La Forge was asked to name the most expensive car ever sold.  He was fined $5 for not knowing it is the 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupe that sold for $135 million. 
Phil Fortino could not name the most expensive production car ever sold. He paid $5 to learn it is the Rolls Royce Bout Tail that sold for $26.2 million.
Larry Barr was asked to name the bestselling sedan in America.  The correct answer is the Toyota Camry.  Larr was not fined. He has presidential immunity. 
Gordon Machado was asked to name the least expensive car ever sold in the US.  He was fined $5 for not knowing it is the Tata Nano with a price of $2,197.
The last question was put to Bryan Yamaoka to name the most produced car ever.  Bryan gave the correct answer, the VW Bug.  22.5 million produced.  Shawn had to pay the fine of $5.
We all learned more about cars.  Thanks Shawn, for an interesting detective session!
Anniversaries in August
Dave and Liz Westrick, 14 years
Kyle and Hillary Sharp, 10 years
Birthdays in August
Larry Barr
Greg La Forge
Jeanna Arnold
Rotary Anniversaries in August
Dave Baumgardner, 29 years
Chuck Sarafini, 20 years
Tami Aviles, 8 years
Susan Slater, 5 years
Sam Slater, 5 years
This Week's Program
Our program for this meeting was presented by Dr. Pedro Avila, President/Superintendent of Gavlin College, and Sarafin Fernandez, Director of Capital Projects.  They gave us an update on the new facility of Fairview Road to be called Gavilan College, Hollister Campus.  It is expected to be completed in November-December of 2024 and open for classes in January 2025.
Here are some of the points from their presentation:
  • Gavilan College is the fasted growing college in California
  • The new campus will be able to provide services to 1500 to 2000 students.
  • The campus can accommodate 200 students during the same time. 
  • Conducted a survey of types of courses to be offered. Results were General Education, Health Sciences, and Career development.
  • Also, liberal arts will be offered: English and Math
  • There is a Community Room that will accommodate 40-50 people. Food service will be able by a contractor.
  • There will be a Security Officer onsite, and the sheriff's office will provide additional security if needed.
  • A Master Plan will be developed for the use of the additional land not yet used by the current campus.
Pedro and Serafin answered questions from the members and guests.
Our next meeting is on Monday, July 29th at Paine's Restaurant.  The meeting will start at 12 Noon and lunch will be available at 11:45 AM. 
District Governor Jill During will be attending this meeting and will present her plans for District 5170 for the 2024-2025 Rotary year.  Jill is a member of the Rotary Club of Livermore Valley.
Let's have a big turn-out for this meeting!
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