Rotary Club of Hollister, CA
Weekly Bulletin

Volume 1 | Issue 13



Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

Find out what was covered during last week's meeting, who our upcoming speaker is, and learn about our club's activities.

Meeting Highlights for Monday, October 30, 2023.
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus in the meeting room at Paine's.
Mike Sanchez lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bill Baker gave the Thought of the Day.
Jessica Garcia, a potential new member, was introduced as a guest.
President Rich reminded everyone that our next meeting on Monday, Nov. 6th will be at Paine's Restuarant at 7:00 AM. Breakfast will be available.  This change was due to a scheduling conflict with Paine's and Larry Barr and Rich have met with Paine's owner to insure we have no further conflcts.
Raffle: Ron Culler drew for $36 from the small pot and lost. Next, Bill Baker drew a card for $50 and lost.
It was announced the next Mission 10 committee meeting will be November 10th, 6 PM at Kristina Wyatt's home.  Bill Tiffany urged all members to sign up as a sponsor for Mission 10.
Ron Culler was Detective for this meeting. He questioned members on their knowlege about Italy since he we leaving the next day for a vacation in Italy.  His questions were about sites in and cities in Italy and famous Italian American in sport and music.  We all learned from the answers and were fined $5 even if you knew the correct answer!
This Week's Program
Jeff Modic introduced our program speaker, Francis Henderson, Self-Help Attorney for the Superior Court of San Benito County. We learned there are two Self-Help attorneys in her office that are available from Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 12 Noon to assist citizens with legal advice on conservertorships, small claims, debt relief, name changes, tenant law, domestic violence, and adivse on traffic and criminal law.  This are free services provided by the State of California. 
Next Week's Program
Next week's meeting will be at our regular meeting room at Paine's at 7:00 AM on Monday, November 6th. Breakfast will be available.  
Ray Espinosa, County Administrative Officer (CAO) will give us a state of the county briefing as well as take questions on other county issues like Hazel Hawkins Hospital.
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