The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus.
Gene Hopp lead the Pledge of Alligence.
Mike Sanchez gave the Thought of the Day.
President Rich asked for comments from members who attended the County Fair over the weekend.
Bill Tiffany gave a short report on Mission 10 and asked the committee to remain after the meeting for a short committee meeting.
Bryan Yamaoka announced the next Hollister Rotary Fellowship wil be on Monday, October 9th. It will be an Octoberfest Celecbration at Grillin & Chillin Alehouse. As always, spouses, family, and friends are welcome. The Fellowship will replace the October 9th meeting. Please RSVP to Bryan by October 5th. The cost is $22 per person.
Raffle winners were Anne Hall, drawing for the small pot and lost, and Esther Curtice, drawing for the big pot and lost.
The Dectitive was Will Sutton. Will asked members questions about the county fair, flu shots, baseball playoff, pumpkins, SF Giants managers, Halloween candies, and other local triva. His questions were difficult, but learning the answers was fun and educational. Good job Will!