The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus in the meeting room at Paine's.
Jeff Modic lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Sanchez gave the Thought of the Day.
Jessica Garcia, a potential new member, was introduced as a guest.
Larry Barr announced that Hollister Rotary is one of the sponsors for the County Town Hall Meeting on November 7th, at Paine's Restaurant. The meeting is open to all, and tickets are $12.50 paid in advance, and $20 at the door.
Raffle: One winner today, Bruce Beetz drew an Ace from the large deck. Next, Dave Baumgartner raffled off a Valade Divac autographed basketball. Bob Tiffany was the winner. He plans to practice his 3-point shot.
Jeff Modic was Detective and fined us about us about the Rotary Golf Fellowship. He also had some trivia questions on Halloween. Jeff also fined Dave Baumgartner for his October birthday.
It was announced the next Mission 10 committee meeting will be November 10th, 6 PM at Kristina Wyatt's home.