Rotary Club of Hollister, CA
Weekly Bulletin

Volume 1 | Issue 20



Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

This is the bulletin for our meeting on Monday, December 18, 2023.

Meeting Highlights:
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus at 12:15 PM.  There were 20 members in attendance.
Phil Fortino led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Sanchez gave the Thought for the Day.
Rick reported on some topics discussed at the board meeting today. 
1) We continue to look for a new venue for our club meetings.  Ridgemark has been contacted and Bill Baker is having discussions with the manager about prices and rooms available for our meetings.  We will have information available for review and discussion in January.
2) Larry Barr has agreed to be the club president in 2024 to 2025.  Anyone else who wants to be considered for our next president should contact Rich.  We will have a formal vote at our first meeting in January.
Bil Tiffany gave a report on Mission 10.  Sponsors are still needed.  We need all "hands on deck" the day of the race.  Signup sheets were available for members to sign up for their preferred jobs on race day, Saturday, January 27th.  
The raffle ticket for the small pot was won by Phil Fortino but he did not pick a winner.  The raffle ticket for the larger pot was won by Shawn Herrera and he did not pick a winner.
There was no Detective for the meeting so Rich decided that each member could pick another member to ask a question and pay $5.  After 12 members present selected another member with a question and each paid $5, Rich called an end to the questions and fines.  It was a fun exercise and raised funds for the club.  Thanks Rich!
This Week's Program
Since there was no program for this meeting, Rich decided to use the time to have an open discussion with the members present on how we can increase membership and participation in the club.
One suggestion was to follow up with members who are not attending meetings, to find out why and to ask them to consider getting back involved with Rotary and the club.
Another suggestion was to get more younger members involved in the club and that this would attract other new members. 
Another suggestion was to sponsor memberships for teachers, police and sheriff officers, and high school students to increase meeting attendance and have them participate club activities, provide programs, and assist with Mission 10.
Some members suggested we consider renewing some old programs like "Guess Who is Coming to Dinner" or Mystery Dinners.
One suggestion was to list in the bulletin the name of members attending and not attending meetings, e.g. Where are you?
Rich said the board would consider the recommendations suggested by the group and put some of the ideas into action. 
The next meeting is on Monday, January 8 at 12 Noon at Paine's Restaurant.  
The program will be by our own member and Sheriff, Eric Taylor. Eric will give a presentation on his recent visit to the Southern US border and his views on the border crisis. Come to the meeting to learn what Eric experienced first-hand on his visit. 
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