Rotary Club of Hollister, CA
Weekly Bulletin

Volume 1 | Issue 19



Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

This is the bulletin for our meeting on Monday, December 11, 2023.

Meeting Highlights for Monday, Dec. 11, 2023.
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus at 12:15 PM.
Chango So led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jim Pleyte gave the Thought for the Day.
Rich recognized Kristina Wyatt and Shawn Herrara for their efforts in organizing the Holiday Mingle last week. 
Kistina also reminded everyone that we still need more sponsors for Mission 10.
The raffle ticket for the $46 pot was won by Jeff Modic but he did not pick a winner.  The raffle ticket for the $68 pot was won by Marchel Nelson and he picked an Ace for a winner!
Bruce Beetz was our detective this week.  He asked members trivia questions on the Olympics and was able to fine several members $5 for wrong and right answers.  Will Sutton was asked why the name Olympics.  The correct answer was because the first Olympics were held in Olympia Greece.  Larry Shaw as asked why the marathon is 26 miles.  He answered because the was the distance between Marathon and Athens, the distance a messenger had to run to tell the Athenians of the victory over the Persians in 490 BC. Esther was asked where the 2024 Olympics will be held.  The answer was Paris, France.  Everyone learned something new about the Olympics.  Good job Bruce!
This Week's Program
The program was presented by Shawn Tennenbaum, Superintendent of San Benito High School District. Shawn spoke about the recent developments in the funding school facilities, especially a second high school for Hollister.  He reported the current high school is over crowed with 3,493 students and that will increase to 3,977 in the next 5 years. There are 30 residential projects planned for the county. Shawn said there are 11 sites being considered for the second high school.  That list is being reduced to 2 or 3 sites, and there are community engagement meetings underway to discuss the need for the high school and the funding. In 2024 Shawn plans to have town hall meetings, public engagement meetings and board meetings prepare the community for a decision on a second high school.
Shawn said the funding will come from statewide school construction bonds. The state funding does require a local match, and if the local district does not pass a local bond to match the state, the funds will go other school districts in the state. 
After his remarks, Shawn answered questions for the members present.  
Next week's meeting will be at Paine's Restaurant at 12 Noon on Monday, December 18th. Doors open at 11:30.
The program speaker is not known at this time. 
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