Volume 2 | Issue 42


Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

This is the bulletin for our meeting on Monday, January 6, 2025

Meeting Highlights:
Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 27 Rotarians, No Guests,
The meeting was called to order by President Larry Barr at 12:15.
Gene Hopp led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. 
David Baumgartner gave the Thought for the Day.
Club President, Larry Barr, presented Anne Hall with a Paul Harris pin for her donation to the Rotary Foundation.  The club congratulated Anne with a round of applause. 
Larry reminded the club of the Richard King Celebration of Life on February 7th at the Blackhawk Museum.  Tickets are $150 and will go towards the Richard King Foundation. Many prior Rotary are scheduled to attend and speak.  Three members of our club have plans to attend. 
Larry announced that both he and Mike Sanchez will be attending the President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) conference in San Jose March 7-9, to accompany Bill Baker, our president-elect.
Larry also reminded the board that there would be a board meeting after the club meeting today.
Raffle by Dave Baumgartner:
New member, Bob Rodgers, had the ticket for the Small Deck and the pot was worth $ 80.  Bob did not pick the winning card but won a bottle of wine.
Tami Aviles had the ticket for the Large Deck worth $120.  She did not pick a winning card but also received a bottle of wine.
Harvey Blodget was the detective for this meeting. 
He fined Anne Hall $5 for her Paul Harris recognition. Jim Pleyte was fined $5 for appearing in a Russian track suit in town. Kyle Sharp was fined $5 his second-place finish in his fantasy football league.
Harvey asked all the 49er fans to stand up.  He then fined the person to the left of the standing fan $5. Next, he then fined Dodger fan Dave Baumgartner $5 for the World Series win by his Dodgers.  Harvey then asked Bryan Yamaoka about his birthday this month.  Bryan said he would 70 this month and Harvey fined him $5.  Harvey also fined Bill Baker $5 in recognition of 60 years of marriage with Margo. 
Next Harvey has some trivia questions about New Years.  Gordon Machado was fined $5 because he could name the first year of the ball was dropped in Times Square.  It was 1907. Next, he fined Jeff Modic $5 for not knowing the two years when the ball was not dropped. It was 1942 and 1943.  Phil Fortino paid $5 for not knowing what Italians wear on New Years. Alex Kingman paid $5 for not knowing what food the Dutch eat on New Years. (Donuts) Gene Hopp paid a $5 fine for not being able to name what food US Southerners eat on New Years Day. (Black Eye Peas), and Esther Curtice paid $5 to learn that citizens of Mt. Olive, North Carolina eat pickles on New Years.  
Harvey did a great job as detective using traditional member recognition fines and some timely trivia questions. Thanks Harvey!
Anniversaries in January
Bill and Margo Baker, 60 years
Birthdays in January
Arnie Fontes, January 2
Bryan Yamaoka, January 10
Geri Menold, January 11
Chang So, January 23
Rotary Anniversaries in January
Jim Pleyte, 50 years
Bruce Beetz, 30 years
Bryan Yamaoka, 30 years
Larry Barr, 28 years
Annie Hall, 19 years
Krystal Lomanto, 13 years
The Hollister Rotary Banner at Bull Dog Boxing
This Week's Program
Our program for this meeting was a talk by Eric Taylor, Sheriff of San Benito County, and a member of the Hollister Rotary Club.  Eric talked about issues facing the sheriff's department and plans for the future.
Eris said he was appointed sheriff in June, 2021 when his predecessor, Darren Thompson, retired.  He was elected to sheriff in 2024. He is serving a six term as sheriff.  
Eric discussed the budget issues he has with the County Supervisors and the County Administrative Office (CAO).  He feels more has to be budgeted for public safety to provide increased coverage of the county and funding for the jail. He told us about how expensive it is to fund the jail due to California law that mandates prisoner benefits that are not budgeted, and a mandated staffing ratio of prisoners to guards. We have a staff of 29 in the two county jails and the state recommends a staff of 40.
Eric told us about the governor not attending the annual California Sheriff Association meeting and listening to the issues facing the states sheriffs.  He told us he wrote a letter to the governor and then met with him about his concerns.  The governor nominated Eric to the Board of Corrections after his meeting.  
Eric opened up for questions from the club members. He answered questions about gang activity in the county.  He also was asked about immigration and how the county will cooperate with ICE. He said he felt ICE would be after the criminal undocumented immigrates and not law abiding immigrates. However, he expressed his concern about the number of border crossings from Mexico to California by non-Mexican people from many countries. He said he feels this will change with the next administration. He also was asked about the use of drones for policing. He told us that the county has received its first drone and training has begun for drone operators.  
This was a very informative program from Eric and club showed its appreciation with applause and Rotary pin from President Larry Barr.  Thanks Eric!
Our next meeting is on Monday, January 13, 2025 at Paine's Restaurant.  The meeting will start at 12 Noon and lunch will be available at 11:45 AM.
Our program will be a presentation by Christophie Robboah who is with Rebekah Children's Services. He will be discussing what their agency is about and the services they provide our community. 
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