Rotary Club of Hollister, CA
Weekly Bulletin

Volume 1 | Issue 16



Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!

Find out what was covered during last week's meeting, who our upcoming speaker is, and learn about our club's activities.

Meeting Highlights for Monday, Nov. 13, 2023.
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus at 12:15 PM.
Marchel Nelson lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike Sanchez gave the Thought for the Day.
President Rich let the club know that a board committee is looking at other venues for club meetings.
Bill Tiffany reported that there will be a Mission 10 committee meeting at Kristina Wyatt's home at 6 PM on Nov. 15th. Bill said we still need more sponsors for Mission 10 and ask members to consider signing up on the Mission 10 website as a sponsor.
The raffle ticket for the $38 pot was won by Kristina Wyatt but she did not pick a winner.  The raffle ticket for the $52 pot was won by Phil Fortino but he also did not pick a winner.  The raffle pot grows again!
Phil Fortino was the Detective this week.  He asked all 49er fans to stand up to celebrate their win on Sunday and then fined each $5.  He asked Raider fans to stand.  Only Mike Sanchez stood and paid $5. Next Phil asked questions about the Las Vegas Rat Pack and fined members who could not name members of the Rat Pack, or the hotel where they performed, and the room they performed in.  Needless to say, Phil did a good job raising funds for the club.  Every member in attendance paid something.
This Week's Program
The program for the meeting was presented by Larry Barr.  Larry told us about his trip in September to Manila, Philippines to participate in the District 5170 Wheelchair Distribution program.
Larry showed pictures of the various distribution sites in three cities visited by the District 5170 committee.  With the cooperation of the Philippine Red Cross, they gave out 280 wheelchairs.  Each chair costs Rotary $200 and are made in China.  Larry and the committee met mayors and other government officials at each city the committee visited.  Larry said that participating in the program allows you to see the good that Rotary does for those in need. 
Larry reported that the next wheelchair distribution is planned for March 2024 in Mexico City.  Larry will let club members who are interested in participating when they can sign up.
Next week's meeting will be at Paine's Restaurant at 12 Noon on Monday, November 20th. Doors open at 11:30.
The program will be Dave Mirrione, City Manager for the City of Hollister who will give us the state of the city.
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