Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 19 Rotarians and 1 guest
Visiting Rotarians: None
Guest: Lysette Rodriguez
The meeting was called to order by President Elect Larry Barr at 12:15. Greg LaForge led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. Linda Smith gave the Thought for the Day.
Bryan Yamaoka reminded the club that the Rodeo and Saddle Horse Show will be on June, 28, 29th and 30th.
Bryan asked members to sign up to help cover this event. It is the second largest fundraiser for the club and any help is appreciated.
Larry told the club that the Hollister High School Interact Club raised funds this year to purchase 15 redwood trees that are planted near the baseball field. Our club matched the donation and purchased 20 oak trees that are planted near the Ag Barn and the vocational areas of the high school.
Larry Barr reported that this year's Rotary Youth Leadership Award Camp will be June 23-28. Hollister Rotary is sending next year's Interact Club president, Michelle Hernandez, to participate in the camp. On Thursday, June 27th id the Dave Ditto BBQ. Dave was a member of our club and started the Thursday BBQ for the students. Club members are invited to attend the BBQ and a $35 donation is requested.
It was announced that a Mission 10 committee meeting will be held on June 11th at 6 PM at Bryan Yamaoka's cabana.
Raffle by Dave Baumgartner:
Raffle winners were Doug Moore, drawing for $91, and Phil Fortino drawing for $125. Both did not pick a winning card.
Linda Smith was the detective for this meeting and started with questions on the history of Hollister.
Harvey Blodgett did not know why Hollister’s first name of San Justo did not stick. $5.00
Bryan Yamaoka could not think of the other two cities that claim they are the earthquake capital of the world. Coalinga and Parkfield. $5.00
Marchel Nelson Could not produce the evidence of earthquakes when you walk down from Park Hill. Locust Street. $5.00
Mike Sanchez could not tell what the Quein Sabe Range is remnants of. They are volcanoes. $5.00
Bill Tiffany did not know the year that Park Service came to Hollister. 1871. $5.00
Larry Shaw could not tell how Hollister became a county seat. $5.00
Linda then switched to questions about the Olympics.
Jeff Modic could not tell which years the Olympics were canceled. 1916 and 1944 $5.00
Esther Curtis could name two sports that are new to the Olympics this year. She said Surfing and Skateboarding. She was correct.
Greg La Forge could not say which city was the first city in the US to host the Olympics. St Louis $5.00
Phil Fortino could not say how many times the Olympics have been in the United States both summer and winter games. He guessed 12 times and it has been 8 times.
Ron Culler could tell who in the United States has the most medals and how many he did not get. Michael Phelps has won the most for the United States and Ron did not know that he had won 28 medals.
Linda helped us learn more about Hollister history and the history of the Olympics. Thanks Linda!