Hollister Rotary Club
Weekly Bulletin

Volume 1 | Issue 2

Welcome to the Hollister Rotary Club's weekly bulletin!
Find out what was covered during the last week's meeting, who our upcoming speaker is, and learn about our club's activities.
Meeting Highlights for Monday, July 24, 2023
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus. Anne Hall led the Pledge of Allegiance and Sam Slater had the Thought for the Day.
Dara Tobias introduced her guest and friend, Jennifer Galindo-Cole, co-owner of the Pizza Factory in Gilroy and San Juan Baptista.
Phil Fortino introduced his wife, Vicki, and donated happy dollars to recognize their 42nd anniversary.
President Rich remarked that we were all pleased to see Dave Baumgartner attending meetings again after recovering from Covid.
Anne Hall reported that Jeana Arnold had breast cancer  surgery and is now getting chemo treatment.
Raffle winners (and losers) were Esther Curtice and Jayme Stewart.
Sam Slater was detective this week.  He asked a series of trivia questions about birthdays.  If you provided the wrong answer you paid $5 but got a cookie. This was one trivia where 10 members volunteered to take questions just to pay $5 to get a cookie!
Rich reported for Larry Shaw that the next golf outing had to be rescheduled to Friday, August 11th.  It will be at Ridgemark.  Tee times will be at 11 AM.  Guests are welcome. Email Larry at lshaw172@gmail.com if you would like to sign up to play.  If you cannot play, you are invited to join us in the Ridgemark club house for after golf refreshments.
Vicki Fortino announced the United for San Benito annual Stuff the Bus event will be on Saturday morning, August 5th at the Target parking lot. This will be 10th year for Stuff the Bus, and Vicki thanked the Hollister Rotary Club for our support participation providing hot dogs and water for kids during the Stuff the Bus event. Volunteers are needed.
Vicki also made everyone aware of the Seneca Wine and Food Tasting on Saturday, August 19th at Swank Farms from 4 - 7 PM.  Tickets are $80 per person and 32 restaurants and 22 wineries will participate. This will benefit the Gabilan Chapter Seneca family of agencies.
And, Vicki updated the club on the new United for San Benito.  They are no longer affiliated with United Way and are waiting for their 501C approval as a non-profit. United for San Benito will continue to provide financial support to health and human services organizations in the county that provide support for children at risk, isolated seniors, families in need and individuals faced with mental and physical illness.  Please consider donating to United for San Benito. 
Anne Hall commented on the current production of Footloose, a family musical, now at the Marguerite Maze Middle School from July 14-29. Tickets still available!
Last week's program
Scott Cornfield is an author of short books and stories.  He spent 30 years as criminal investigator and worked deep undercover assignments for San Jose Police Department and other agencies.  He has also written some movie scripts about crime in San Francisco.  Scott has a "Story Wheel"  which members spun to select a type of short story that Scott then read to the group. All his stories are 101 words. He also has written a book that compares one of his short stories to one generated by AI. He shared two or three of these stories to compare human writings to AI. It was interesting to see how AI treated a subject to create a story versus Scott's version on the same subject. Scott's books are available on Amazon ($15.95).
Next week's program
Our own, Anne Hall, will be our speaker at our meeting on Monday, July 31st.  Anne, as current president of the San Benito Stage Company, will tell us about the productions they are working on for the 2023-2024 season and how we can help support the San Benito Stage Company.
The meeting will be at Paine's at 12 Noon on Monday, July 31st. 
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