Meeting Held at Paine's Restaurant
Attendance: 21 Rotarians, 3 Guests
The meeting was called to order by President Larry Barr at 12:00.
Shawan Herrera led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bill Sachau gave the Thought for the Day.
Larry asked Bill Baker to give an update on the club website. Bill reported that we now have a webmaster, Michaela Cardelli, and together they have been updating the home page. He said there will be a link from the BenitoLink articles the high school athletic program to our home page. One of our goals is to attract new members to the Hollister Rotary Club from the articles in BenitoLink. So far there have been two articles, one on the football team and another on the cross-country track team. Bill said he planned on showing the club the website at a meeting in September.
Larry reminded the club about the 103rd Annual Awards and Dinner Dance by the Chamber at Leal's on Saturday, September 14th. Tickets are $125 per person. Our Club will be recognized as the Nonprofit of the Year. Be sure to get your tickets soon.
Larry also reminded the club about the VFW Carnival on August 30th. The carnival is for special needs children and will be from 11 AM to 2 PM. Volunteers are needed to assist.
There will be a Ceremony of Life for Past Rotary International President Richard King to be held on February 2, 2025 at the Blackhawk Car Museum.
Larry told club about the Wheelchair Distribution in Mexico City on September 20-22, 2024. Six people have volunteered, and others are welcome. See Larry if you would like to be included.
We still have cases of soft drinks left over from the Saddle Horse Show and Rodeo. They are available for purchase at $20 per case of 20-ounce bottles of Coke, Sprite, and Root Beer. Larry told the club he will donate any remaining cases to the Interact Club to use for a fund raiser at the high school.
Raffle by Mike Sanchez substituting for Dave Baumgartner:
Bryan Yamaoka had the winning ticket for the Small Deck and the pot was worth $52. Bruce Beetz selected a card for Bryan but did not pick a winning card.
Linda Smith had the winning ticket for the Large Deck worth $59. Linda selected an ACE and was a winner for $25.
Jim Pleyte was the detective for this meeting. He told the club he was going to challenge us on our knowledge of European history.
Jim asked Larry Barr what BCE meant when referring to dates. Larry was fined $5 because he did not know it meant Before Common Era, the same as BC, Before Christ.
Next Jim asked Mike Sanchez what the importance of the date 476 AD. Mike was fined $5 and learned it was fall of the Roman Empire.
Bill Baker was asked what happened in October, 510 BC. Bill did not know and paid $5 to learn it was the birth of the prophet Mohammad.
Doug Moore was asked what happen between 1347 to 1351 AD. Doug paid $5 fine to learn it was the dates of the Bubonic Plague.
Linda Smith was asked what happen on January 30th in 1649 AD. It cost Linda $5 to learn it was the date that Oliver Cromwell had King Charles 1st beheaded for treason.
Rich Marcus did not know what happened in 1492 AD other than Columbus. It was the fall of Granada; Spain and the Muslims were driven out of Europe. Rich paid a $5 fine.
Shawn Herrara was asked the significance of July 14, 1789 AD. He paid a $5 fine to learn it was beginning of the French Revolution.
Jeff Modic was asked about the dates of 1760 to 1840. Jeff paid a $5 fine. It was the dates of the Industrial Revolution.
Phil Fortino was asked the significance of 1860. He paid $5 to learn it was the year internal combustion engine was invented by Benz.
Gordon Machado was asked what happened on July 16, 1945. He guessed wrong and paid $5 to learn it was the date the atomic bomb was first tested.
It was a very educational detective session conducted by Jim, and it cost us all to learn these dates in history.
Anniversaries in September
Ron and Roni Culler, 60 years
Jeana and Nick Arnold, 33 years
Greg and Carmen Laforge, 32 years
Bryan and Genie Yamaoka, 30 years
Birthdays in September
Bill Sachau
Chuck Serafini
Dan Weatherly
Marchel Nelson
Eric Taylor
Rotary Anniversaries in September
Kris Wyatt, 19 years
Larry Shaw, 17 years
Esther Curtis, 16 years