The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus.
Kristina Wyatt lead the Pledge of Alligence.
Mike Sanchez gave the Thought of the Day.
Kristina introduced her husbend Greg Wyatt as her guest for today's meeting.
Bryan Yamaoka announced the next Hollister Rotary Fellowship wil be on Monday, October 9th. It will be an Octoberfest Celecbration at Grillin & Chillin Alehouse. As always, spouses, family, and friends are welcome. The Fellowship will replace the October 9th meeting.
Esther Curtice presented Gary Byrnes of the Community Foundation for San Benito Countya check from the Hollister Rotary Club for $9600 to aide the flood victims in the county that lost their homes from the recent storms. Gary thanked the club and reported they are assisting 65 families in the Lovers Lane area that were affected. He said there was no support from FEMA or the Red Cross, and so the Community Foundation has raised over $250,000 to help these families.
Raffle winners were Larry Barr, drawing for the small pot and won $101, and Geri Menold, drawing for the big pot with only 3 cards left and was a winner for $330! At the end of the meeting Rich presented checks to Larry and Geri for their winnings.
Bill Baker was the Dectitive and challenged the members present on knowing state capitals. He asked each member to name one of the 6 state capitals that begin with the letter C. If the member could name one, he would pay $5 and if member could not name one he they would pay $5. Paul Revella named Carson City,NV and Bob Tiffany named Cheyenne, WY and Bill Baker paid $10 for Bob and Paul's correct answers.
Bill then challenged the group to one of the 5 state capitals that begin with the letter A. Bob Tiffany named Atlanta, GA, Esther Curtice named Albany, NY, Gordom Machado named Austin, TX, and Gene Hopp named Augusta, Maine. Bill Baker had to pay $20 and the others called on had to pay $5 for not being able to name a state capital that began with the letter A.
Here are the correct answers for capitals that begin with C: Carson City, Concord, Columbus, Columbia, Charleston, Cheyenne.
Here are the correct answers for capitals that begin with A: Albany, Austin, Atlanta, Augusta, Annapolis.