Welcome to the Rotary Club of Hollister's weekly bulletin!
Find out what was covered during last week's meeting, who our upcoming speaker is, and learn about our club's activities.
Meeting Highlights for Monday, September 25, 2023.
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Marcus.
Mike Sanchez lead the Pledge of Alligence.
Bill Baker gave the Thought of the Day.
Bryan Yamaoka announced the next Hollister Rotary Fellowship wil be on Monday, October 9th. It will be an Octoberfest Celecbration at Grillin & Chillin Alehouse. As always, spouses, family, and friends are welcome. The Fellowship will replace the October 9th meeting. Please RSVP to Bryan by October 5th. The cost is $22 per person.
Raffle winners were Jim Pleyte , drawing for the small pot and lost, and Harvey Blodgett, drawing for the big pot and lost.
Gene Hopp was Detective for today's meeting. Gene challenged members on September trivia. Everyone learned something new about the month of September and had to pay $5 for the opportunity.
This Week's Program
The program for the meeting was a presentation by a local author and retired instructor, Ken Rand. Ken had the group participate in a fun session about "Who is Ken Rand". Next Ken spoke about his book "Second Chances" and related to the group how he survived four heart attacks, a broken back, and having a gun pointed at his head during a robbery at his store in Salinas. He described how in each case he survived and was given a Second Chance.
Next Week's Program
Our next meeting will be Monday, October 2nd at Paines at 12 noon. The program will be by Bailey Rianda the co-founder and program manager for Cooper's Calling, a non-profit organization that offers equine assisted therapies and lessons for special needs children in San Benito County.